Nora Fatehi has already showed her dance moves in films like Stree, Satyamev Jayate, Bharat, Batla House and Marjavaan and created a niche for herself amongst her audiences with her dances. Recently when Nora was on a show the actress was asked who was her inspiration in Bollywood when it comes to dance ?
Without blinking an eye Nora immediately took Hrithik Roshan’s name. Nora says she has been hugely inspired by Hrithik Roshan’s dance moves and has been his great fan ever since she has stepped into Bollywood. She has watched every movie of Hrithik Roshan and simply loves watching him dance. Nora now hopes that she will be cast opposite Hrithik in a dance film where she will be able to match steps with Hrithik. 
The Dilbar actress says “I am a huge fan of Hrithik Roshan’s dance and I think he’s the best dancer in Bollywood.  I hope filmmakers will cast us together in a dance movie. It will be the most epic dance film in the history of dance if a film is ever made  with Hrithik and me.
 Nora is certain that the dance film will break all the myths of dances films in India. “It will be a film that would shatter all dance films because it would have romance, drama, comedy and out of this world dancing,” says Nora. 

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