Mumbai : Chhattisgarh state was established on 1 November 2000. Chhattisgarh is the third largest state of India and is a bastion of nature and culture but somewhere its importance has been ignored. Chhattisgarh is a treasure of India full of underground gems, environment and culture, not only the people here but also the forests and animals are unique, but all the governments formed here could not reveal the glory of this state to the world. Even today, people of other states of India are not able to understand this.
Actor, producer and social activist Raj Baghel, who lives in Mumbai, is a native of Mungeli, Chhattisgarh. He has always tried for the development and growth of folk art, language, folk games, folk songs, culture, dress, rituals, food and nature of Chhattisgarh state. Besides, he has always been striving for the development, economic progress and upliftment of folk artists, local players and singers. For many years, he has appealed to the upper class people and the state government for this work, but the state government has remained indifferent towards this. Folk artists, folk singers, sportspersons, people from the arts and art world have been neglected due to which people are losing their people. Turning away from culture and art, they are going on other paths in search of livelihood.
At present, with the formation of the new government, Raj Baghel has decided to again put forward new schemes before the new government for the development and economic upliftment of people associated with arts, sports, arts and also a new plan and suggestions for the state. It is going to be placed before the government in which, like the Rajya Sabha, there should be elections of MLAs nominated by the Governor or the government in the Legislative Council, whose main function is that the demands of the public can directly reach the government. For this, cooperation has also been expected from film producers, actors, singers, businessmen, sportspersons and others of Chhattisgarh.
Raj Baghel is also demanding for a Legislative Council in which sportspersons and artists have graduated, boys and girls and teachers can choose their own MLAs and sportspersons and artists can become MLCs directly through the Governor.
Raj Baghel says that the work of people associated with sports, art and culture of our Chhattisgarh is not being appreciated properly. While living in this area, they are not getting enough income due to which they are becoming economically weak. Besides, they are not getting any kind of financial assistance due to which they are abandoning our culture and folk art. If the foundations of a country like its culture and art are destroyed, then its destruction is certain. The more connected a country or state is to its roots, the stronger it is. Our Chhattisgarh is full of nature's treasures, ancient artworks, stupas, temples, inscriptions and archaeological things. From the point of view of tourism, it is no less than a paradise. If it is revived, there will be influx of foreign tourists, which will provide employment and means of earning income to the state and the common citizens of the state, which will lead to the development of the state.
Apart from this, Raj Baghel also says that people have become more addicted to street food. The chemicals and harmful oils used in this street food for flavor are harmful for the people of our state. Also, there is a huge lack of cleanliness in these street food stalls, which increases the risk of diseases among the people. Therefore, such street food stalls which do not take care of cleanliness and safety should be closed. In the food of these street food stalls, harmful substances like flour, ajinomoto, colours, palm oil etc. are used in large quantities, the food is heated again and again, the cleanliness is negligible, which has a direct impact on the health of our children, especially our daughters.
It has been said in many surveys that these food items increase the chances of many serious diseases like hormone related problems, cancer, stomach related problems etc.
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