'Let's celebrate Christmas and New Year differently this year', Cine Buster owner Mr Ronnie Rodrigues was telling me. 'Let's all of us go to London', he continued. It was a pleasant surprise and I was happy as I was travelling to London twice in less than three months. 

I flew to London, alongwith Cine buster team and Ronnie sir's family mid-december and returned having gala time in London, celebrating Christmas and New Year with merriment. 

On returning to Mumbai I was in for a shock. Despite having Negative Covid report from London, done less than 24 hours back, I was told that I was Corona positive in Rapid Antigen test and Institutional quarantine was insisted upon. I was told that my second (RTPCR) test too was positive. As I was asymptomatic, and as per Central Health Ministry guidelines, I  requested to be home quarantined but it was turned down. I was sent to BKC COVID Isolation centre. Moreover I never saw any +ve report. It was evening by the time I reached there. Mind you the arrangements there are pretty good despite dormitory accomodation. Next day early morning my boss Ronnie sir called me to inform that my RTPCR report (done at the airport) was Negative. I tried to put sense in the authorities there but they adamantly refused to discharge me. 

After talking to the decision making personnel, he insisted on another RTPCR test. I wriggled out of that ward and got myself shifted to a vacant ward as I didn't want to be in the proximity of Covid +ve patients. As promised the report didn't land the same day. Next day, early morning, Mr Ronnie, once again, called me to inform me that I was Covid Negative. This time around I put my foot down and got myself discharged ASAP.

Why was the lady medical personnel lied to me about my second report being +ve? 

By shifting me to the Covid centre,  despite RTPCR report being negative, wasn't I and my health was put in danger by making me stay in the company of other Covid +ve patients?

Anybody ready to take responsibility?

Keerti Kadam.

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