Mumbai : Under the banner of Neo studios, an independent Bengali film with English subtitles Network had its screening at PVR, Andheri West on 6th September. The screening was attended by the producer Priti Basu, director- producer Saptaswa Basu and the lead actor Saswata Chatterjee.
Saswata Chatterjee, Rini Ghosh, Sabyasachi, Indrajit and Bhaskar Banerjee are in key roles with Darshana Banik, Saayoni Ghosh and Anindya Chatterjee in special appearances. The film is directed by Saptaswa Basu and Produced by Neo Studios (Priti Basu & Saptaswa Basu). The leads Rini Ghosh and the Director Saptaswa Basu are also the written of the film and the music is given by Dabbu, Raz Dee, Aviraj & Chirantan.
Its a thriller set against the backdrop of the media industry that speaks about the perils of privacy encroachment now-a-days and you are under surveillance.
Abhijit Ganguly (played by Saswata Chatterjee) is a media professional who has long lost his fame. After his daughter's death he has turned into a walking shadow, who is recognized by no one. When he gets to know about his terminal disease which will allow him to live only for one more year, he decides to put in all his own resources to make a new film and make a comeback to regain his lost fame. He teams up with a group of talented actors and production management team including Raj and Shreya, who become very trusted to him. However, he gets betrayed by these very associates and is left ruined. He creates a reality TV show named "Their Life", a unique show which deals with celebrity lifestyle. Through this show, he starts to take revenge on the persons who betrayed him one by one in each episode.
On the occasion of special screening of Bengali film Network, Director Saptaswa Basu said, “ “It has been a tremendous journey for my first direction and production. The film has garnered excellent response in Bengal and now its here in Mumbai for a larger section of audience. The film’s story has an universal appeal and deals with the danger of privacy encroachment in our lives. I am blessed to have the audience react to the film so positively and this is a win for independent films as a whole.
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