Ujjain : On Sunday, actor Bindu Darasingh and Mumbai's young businessman Dr. Nikesh Tarachand Jain Madhani reached Mahakaleshwar temple in the ancient city of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh state and received blessings by visiting Lord Mahakal. Actor Bindu and Dr. Nikesh Jain were overwhelmed and praised the darshan system of Mahakal temple and said that whenever they get a chance, people should definitely come to visit for Baba Mahakal darshan. Coming here, one experiences positive energy. They visited the Lord from Nandi Hall, Pt. Madhav Dilip Sharma performed the puja-archana for them. Piyush Dubey, Ravindra Rana and Neville Kavarna from Indore also reached for the darshan with them.
Among the twelve Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva, the daily bhasma aarti of Mahakaleshwar of Ujjain is performed with the ashes of the crematorium. King Vikramaditya also ruled here.
 Bindu is the son of famous actor and wrestler Dara Singh and he has made a mark among the audience with his acting in many films and TV shows.
On the other hand, Dr. Nikesh Jain Madhani has been active in business from a very young age. As a young entrepreneur, he has received countless awards and is also invited as a chief guest along with celebrities in many award ceremonies. His company Pushpa Griha Udyog and Madhani Finance Entertainment play the role of partners in major programs.

- Santosh Sahu

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