Mumbai : The star cast of Babloo Bachelor interacted with media Followed by Holi celebrations. The protagonist Sharman Joshi, Pooja Chopra and Tejashree Pradhan were present at the event along with the director Agnidev Chatterjee, producer Ajay Rajwani and Manoj Nandwana.The whole cast were in the mood to colour themselves as well as others.They were seen in happy go lucky moods.
Under the banner of Rafat films,Babloo Bachelor is released by Jaiviratra entertainment.The film is produced by Ajay Rajwani and directed by Agnidev  Chatterjee.Story screenplay & Dialogue by  Saurabh Pandey and Music By Jeet  Ganguli.Lyrics are given by Kumar , Rashmi  Virag and Ashish Pandey.Arjit  Singh and  Pappon are the singers in the Agnidev Chatterjee is also the cinematographer of the film. Editor is Parth Y Bhatt and Choreographers are Saroj Khan, Kunjan Jani, Ranju Varghis and Savio Branes. Sharman Joshi, Tejasree Pradhan, Pooja Chopra, Rajesh Sharma, Leena Prabhu and Neeraj Khetripal are in the leads.
Babloo bachelor is a comedy genre film , in which Sharman Joshi is playing the protagonist.The story of the  film is based on UP, where a well to do family had always dreamt of their son's wedding with great pomp and show.Babloo (Sharman Joshi) met few girls for his wedding but didn't get the right one.Then he met Pooja Chopra who was already  engaged in other  relationship and is not virgin.After listening to this, he rejects the proposal.In one wedding he got to meet Tejasri Pradhan,with whom he falls in love and both agrees for the marriage.But the twist comes when on the wedding day Tejasri ran way from the wedding and left a letter for him.She had always wanted to be an actor and now she had got  a chance of a lead actor in a reality show  in Mumbai.Sharman tries everything to reach his would be wife.He even goes to Mumbai.There, by chance, he again bumped into Pooja Chopra who was the creative head of that channel.He told her everything.She agrees to help him and when finally Tejasri comes back, Sharman falls in love with Pooja Chopra after looking at her intitiave and efforts to bring Tejasri back. With whom Sharman will marry now?
The the film is completed and is ready to hit the theatre on 20/03/2020.
During media interaction, Sharman Joshi was gathering his childhood memories of holi when he used to escape after throwing water balloons on the people.He tells about his character and the reason for being a bachelor in the film.He further said that the character of Babloo is quite interesting as he doesn't want to work and looking for a girl who will everything for him.Despite this he  had got two proposals, it will be interesting to see whom does he choose and why?
All 3 were seem very excited about the film. They ask their fans to go to the theatre to meet Babloo Bachelor on 20th March.

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