Ahmedabad : A Gujarati language’s thrilling drama film Raghu CNG’s trailer is been launched  at Cambey Grand, Ahemdabad. It is highly thrilling crime and suspense drama genre film, directed by Vishal Vada Vala and produced  under the banner of V3 productions by J. K. Thummar, Hiren Thummar & Tejas Thummar. The event is attended by the director Vishal Vada Vala, Producers J. K. Thummar, Hiren Thummar, Tejas Thummar and the leads Ethan, Jagjeet Singh Vadher, Sharvary Joshi, and Chetan Daiya.

The film is starring Ethan, Jagjeet Singh Vadher, Sharvary Joshi, Chetan Daiya, Kapil Sahetya. The film is written by Jay Parmar and Sanjay Marvaniya. Tejas Tataria is the editor of the film and Yash Mayekar is the cinematographer. The music and lyrics are given by I-Shoj, Atharva Sanjay Joshi and Vatsal Joshi. Atharva Sanjay Joshi has also given the background score and Dhrumil Garach is the executive producer of the film. Ethan is in and as Raghu.
A story is about one psychopath human who is Raghu. Raghu is the single handed character who draws the story. The movie widely depends on the characters that are kidnapped and murdered. 
The movie progress with gradual torture of Raghu on Bhumi And Dhaval. He has kidnapped them at one aloof place where no one can hear their shoutings. Alongside the police and family members of Bhumi and Dhaval are finding them badly and put all the effort to find them out. In the meanwhile the story takes a romantic track between Bhumi and Dhaval.They come close which is portrayed softly and naturally. All the realistic drama progress and unfolded by a Police officer named Ashok who is equally important in the movie and gives pivotal edge to the movie which helps to solve the puzzle. His search investigation going through his point of view and he gives to rough edge in the film. At last the plot behind their kidnaps is revealed which is the climax of this movie.
The shooting schedule of the film has been completed at various location of Rajkot and Gondal.

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