The gorgeous actress Amrita Rao who has been stunning the social media world with her fashion updates lately, has kick started the New Year by not only becoming the Brand Ambassador but also the Creative Advisor to the Surat's leading manufacturing brand ‘FLOWERY' for their new line of apparels.
Amrita shot for her first campaign for the brand with photographer Amit Khanna donning outfits like kurtis with leggings and long dresses.
On associating as a creative advisor and brand ambassador, Amrita said, "As a film actress I have been very careful and selective in my choices and particular about associating with content that has a great repeat value. Similarly this was not just an endorsement its truly amalgamating with the brand and hence, when Mr Kailash Jhawar of Flowery approached me to come on board as a creative advisor and their brand Ambassador, I took time and came on board only after studying carefully the entire process of manufacturing at Flowery, in the past few months and when I was thoroughly confident of the product, its quality and detailing of the designs and the creations are so meticulous that it really becomes easy to find the best. Now, being fashionable is easy with Flowery”, says the beautiful Actress.
“The shoot was amazing, I got to wear wonderful outfits which I was very comfortable in and it reflected my style. You cannot let the clothes you wear take over your personality, infact they need to be an extension of who you are, that’s what I felt wearing ‘FLOWERY’ for the shoot and it’s definitely going to adorn my wardrobe”, she added.
On choosing Amrita Rao as not just a brand ambassador but also a creative advisor for the brand Mr Kailash Jhawar said, “Amrita Rao is a perfectionist and she has proved to have given a 100% to whatever she commits to, be it her Films or TV assignments. When I met her I was further impressed with her creative suggestions and how she has strived to become a fashionista without compromising on her personality and comfort. Her dedication and experience is very valuable and appealing in every department required for the brand. She is the best choice for Flowery to blossom for the aspiring girls who want to be fashionable without trying too hard.
- About Flowery Fashion :-
Flowery Fashion has grown manifolds since its inception. A highly dexterous team acts as their backbone. The design philosophy immerses craftsmanship of artistic people, avant-garde technologies and proficient designing. With a goal of creating a global brand, the firm embarked on a significant expansion across product categories and geographies. The company is devoted to meet international standards of organic fabrics by offering best of the products which is also their strong USP. Flowery is one of the leading Fashion Labels. Having maintained the international standards of "organic fabrics" certified by ISO 9001-2015, IMS and UKAS, Flowery strives to cultivate as a global benchmark in manufacturing and exporting of Indian fashion products.
Post by Santosh Sahu
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