One of the most highly anticipated digital shows of the Indian web scene, ‘The Test Case’ streamed on ALTBalaji’s app and website on the occasion of Republic Day and saw not only a phenomenal viewership, but also received a pat on their back for its unusual concept, storyline and direction. Only recently, the TV Czarina and now the Queen of the Indian digital scene, Ekta Kapoor arranged for a special celebrity screening of the series and so overwhelming was the feedback from the guests that she threw an after-party to rejoice the success and acclaim of the show.
The celebrity screening and the bash was attended by Bipasha Basu, Karan Singh Grover, Vivek Oberoi and his wife, Sonali Kulkarni, Surveen Chawla, Imtiaz Ali, Shamita Shetty, Karan Patel, Ken Ghosh, Vikas Gupta, Shabbir Ahluwalia, Rahul Dev Anita Hassanandani and many known names of the entertainment industry, who all applauded the team of ALTBalaji for putting together a unique story about a woman test case, never tried before. The hearty celebration took place at Ekta's house and was nothing short of a star-studded event.
Throughout the celebration, the instant success of the show was the hot topic of discussion. Headlining the series, Nimrat Kaur impressed everyone with her action-packed avatar and portrayal of Captain Shikha Sharma. Seen in other prominent roles, actors like Atul Kulkarni, Rahul Dev, Annup Soni and Juhi Chawla were equally lauded for their performances.
The digital show was fittingly streamed at a point when the issue of women being under-represented was widely discussed. To show their support to women who dare to dream, its makers mobilized a social media campaign #WomenInGreen, just before making the show was made available to online viewers.
About Captain Shikha Sharma, who is hell-bent on defying conventions and set to be the first woman commando, directed by Vinay Waikul and featuring Nimrat Kaur, Atul Kulkarni, Rahul Dev, Manit Joura, Annup Soni, Sameer Kochhar, Akshay Oberoi and Juhi Chawla The Test Case is streaming now on the ALTBalaji’s app and website.son
Post by Santosh Sahu
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