Mumbai : Suraj Singh Mas has announced his banner "Suraj Singh Mas Films". Also, Suraj excitedly told that he has done the TVS Jupiter Scooty brand TVC advertisement as a producer with Big B Amitabh Bachchan, cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni and director Manish Rukmani Sharma, co-producer Sachin Deshmukh and Rajugopal Podala. Model actress Seema Meena has also worked in his ad film.
Suraj Singh Mas is an independent producer in Mumbai. He is very excited to shoot the Jupiter TVS advertisement as a producer with Superstar Amitabh Bachchan and Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Suraj Singh Mas has a keen interest in film, music and TV commercials. He has set up his own production house and casting agency "Suraj Singh Mas Films". This company has been involved in many films, advertising films, music videos and famous series on popular streaming platforms. In the financial year 2018, Suraj Singh Mas Films was classified as a micro-enterprise, primarily engaged in photographic film processing.
Currently, the company is producing a high-budget Hindi film in the United States. Suraj Singh Mas Films strives to blend creativity with technical expertise, aiming to make a significant mark in the Indian film industry. With a dedication to quality and innovation, Suraj Singh Mas believes in shaping its vision through compelling storytelling and impactful content. Suraj Singh Mas has specially thanked businessman Dr. Nikesh Tarachand Jain Madhani.

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