Produced by Kumar Raj Productions, the film stars many talented actors including Rekha Rana, Ananth Mahadevan. On the occasion of the poster launch of this film, Ananth Mahadevan said that Amina's screenplay is interesting which is an experimental and bold approach for the audience and in my view the maker deserves congratulations.
The guest of the program, actor Ali Khan said that this film will keep the audience engaged from beginning to end. This film has been made keeping in mind the audience all over the world.
Filmmaker Kumar Raj told that a similar play part like the one in Hollywood's Oscar Award winning film Birdman has been used in this film, which will be a unique experience for the audience. This film is the story of two girls, one Amina and the other Meena. Thirty years ago, Amina is sold by her father, then raped and commits suicide. In the second part, Meena becomes victim of an unexpected incident and she chases the criminals abroad and commits murder.
The co-producer of this film is Dharam. Apart from India, it has been shot in Africa and many other parts of abroad.
Talking about the experience of shooting the film, Kumar Raj said that an exciting lion scene was shot in Africa with actress Rekha Rana, who playing the lead role. The trainer had put a stick in Rekha's hand so that the lion could not attack her. Rekha was warned that if she let go of the stick, she would become a lion's prey. An example of women empowerment is being presented through this film of ours.
- Santosh Sahu
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