Meet Shwetaabh Singh, the breakout star of the recent film Mirg, as he shares insights into his journey in the world of cinema. A graduate from FTI, Shwetaabh has already made his mark as a producer with Eeb Allay Ooo!, now streaming on Netflix. Reflecting on his experience while shooting for Mirg, he delves into the nerve-wracking scene opposite the late actor Satish Kaushikji and expresses his aspirations to collaborate with acclaimed director Sandeep Reddy Vanga.

Q. What about Anil's character in Mirg inspired you to take this role up?

Shwetaabh Singh - Anil's character in Mirg captivated me because he embodies the film's central theme. The narrative explores the mythical nature of the mirg, often depicted as a leopard that can vanish behind a leaf. Anil's journey mirrors this transformation, evolving from a naive, obedient boy into someone who fights to seize control of his destiny. Portraying Anil presented an enticing challenge for me as an actor, with his profound character graph and the obstacles he faces along the way.
Q. Were you nervous while shooting with stalwarts like Satish Kaushik, Raj Babbar and Anup Soni?

Shwetaabh Singh - Yes I did feel nervous while shooting alongside these seasoned actors. Mentally, I understood the importance of delivering my best to match their caliber. There was one scene in particular where I had to hit Satish Kaushik ji, and I struggled under the pressure. However, being surrounded by professionals and trained actors made the atmosphere comfortable. Despite my initial nervousness, I saw this as a valuable opportunity to learn and grow as an actor.

Q. How did you decide of getting into acting, since you first started as a producer ?

Shwetaabh Singh - Having graduated from FTI, I resonate deeply with a line from the film that says, "Mirg jo hota hai woh mauka dekh ke lapak leta hai" (The mirg pounces at the sight of an opportunity). Similarly, as I completed my education at FTI, I seized the chance to delve into producing. The filmmaking process has always fascinated me, and I am committed to being well-prepared so that when opportunities arise, I can seize them and make the most of them. When Tarun approached me with the script for Mirg and offered me Anil's role, I was more than willing to take it on.

Q. How does it feel to promote a film as an actor this time as opposed to a producer during  Eeb Allay Ooo!

Shwetaabh Singh - The promotional phase for Mirg was an entirely new and exhilarating experience for me. While I had previous experience as a producer, engaging in promotions was a different ballgame altogether. What I found most rewarding was the chance to connect with audiences during interviews and promotional events. It provided me with a unique opportunity to get closer to them, understand their sentiments, and gauge their reactions firsthand. 

Q. Wishlist of directors you wish to work with?

Shwetaabh Singh - I really want to team up with Sandeep Reddy Vanga. His knack for bringing out the best in actors is top-notch. I know he pushes his cast to their limits, and while some might have their criticisms, I'm all for diving into those challenging roles headfirst. Seeing what he did with Ranbir Kapoor in Animal, I'm just pumped to take on similar kinds of characters. Also, I want to work with Tarun Sharma again- he writes great characters and stories with layers and depths.

Q. Anything in the pipeline that you can talk about?

Shwetaabh Singh - I have my hands full with a range of projects at the moment, from 2 to 3 scripts, geared towards more commercial, masala flicks. The treatment for these films is really exciting. Additionally, I'm involved in some art house independent films both as an actor and a producer. It's all shaping up to be an exciting lineup, and I can't wait to share it with audiences soon.

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