Mumbai : The emotional film 'Punya Ka Uday' produced by Lalit Shakti under the MR banner and based on social message is ready for release. The trailer of the film has already been released, which is getting good appreciation from people and social workers of all other communities including Jain community. Due to which producer Lalit Shakti, co-producer Mahavir Rathod and the actors acting in the film are excited. It is hoped that this film can bring positive changes in the society.
 In the film 'Punya Ka Uday', apart from film and TV actor Surendra Pal (Dronacharya in Mahabharata), actor Gaurav Prateek who played an important role in Mission Raniganj, Lalit Shakti, Lalit Parmar, Kalyani Jha, child artist Mayank have played the lead roles. Other cast members of the film include Mahendra Baldota, Lalit Parekh, Jayanti Chopra, Kailash Mehta, Sandesh Punmiya, Rakesh Lodha, Manoj Shobhavat, Jayanti Borana, Jitendra Bhandari, Ashok Tavrecha Vora, Rakesh Borana, Ashok Parekh, JK Sanghviji, Nilesh Chandreshamutha, Jasmita Jain, writer-lyricist Sangeeta Bagrecha have also acted.
This film of producer-actor Lalit Shakti, who has acted in many other films including 'Punya Ka Uday', is an inspirational film. The film 'Punya Ka Uday' focuses on those people who go astray in life and go on the wrong path, but if they get support and cooperation from the society or a kind person of the society, then they can learn the art of living and make their virtue rise. This film gives a valuable message of doing good deeds towards religion along with the message of kindness and humanity. The film's co-producer Mahavir L. Rathod while the direction is by Sunil Varshney. Sunil Varshney, who has worked in the film industry for a long time, is an experienced and passionate director.

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