Jhimma 2 has been one of the most awaited Marathi films this year. So, it goes without saying that the film's trailer has piqued the curiosity of cine goers. The trailer of Jhimma 2, which is backed by Jio Studios, Aanand L Rai and Chalchitra Mandalee, was launched at a glittering ceremony fit for the ongoing Diwali festivities. Present at the launch were  director Hemant Dhome, actors Suhas Joshi, Nirmitee Sawant, Suchitra Bandekar, Kshitee Jog, Sayali Sanjeev, Rinku Rajguru, Shivani Surve, Siddharth Chandekar, Amit Raj, Vaishali samant and Producer Aanand L Rai. The team was dressed in their festive finery for the glam event and even celebrated with a Diwali party, complete with tasty faral.
 Jhimma introduced the audience to seven different women who go on a trip together, Jhimma 2 will mark the reunion of the ladies with the addition of two talented actors- Rinku Rajguru and Shivani Surve - to the team. The film will revolve around Indu's (Suhas Joshi) 75th birthday celebrations.
 Speaking about Jhimma 2, Hemant Dhome says, "Seven women from different backgrounds and with different personalities are getting ready for a trip again. The binding factor is the love they have for each other. Jhimma 2 will speak volumes about finding happiness and one's individuality. I am sure those women who had planned a trip after watching Jhimma will plan another one after watching this one." 
On his part, renowned filmmaker Aanand L Rai, who launched the trailer of Jhimma 2, adds, Jhimma 2 is special to me…. Not because it’s sequel of a successful movie. It’s special to me because of the people who made it. Heartwarming and happy cast and crew is bound to tell heartwarming feel good story. I am sure it’s going get lots of love from its audience.
 Jio Studios and Aanand L Rai present in association with Colour Yellow Productions, A Chalchitra Mandalee production, produced by Jyoti Deshpande, Aanand L Rai and Kshitee Jog, directed by Hemant Dhome. 
The roller coaster family entertainment film is all set to hit cinemas on November 24.

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