Mumbai : Daisy Shah, who made her acting debut with Salman Khan in the film 'Jai Ho' and was also in the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi, will now be seen on the big screen in the upcoming film 'Mystery of the Tattoo' opposite debutant Rohit Raj. The poster and trailer of the film starring Daisy Shah and Rohit Raj was launched at Red Bulb Studios in Andheri, Mumbai, which also stars Ameesha Patel, Arjun Rampal and Manoj Joshi.  This murder mystery is releasing on 1st September.
 Daisy Shah will be seen romancing debutant Rohit Raj in the film which has been shot in London. Daisy told that the story of this film is related to tattoos.  What is the secret behind the tattoo? The curtain will rise from this mystery after the release of the film. We shot it in London during the Covid period with very few team members which was very challenging but the director has to be commended for handling the situation very well.
 Daisy Shah also praised debutant Rohit Raj and said that he has done a good job. Apart from acting, he has also handled a lot of work behind the camera and has helped the director a lot.
 Kalairasi Sathappan made her directorial debut in Bollywood with the film 'Mystery of the Tattoo'. He also appreciated Rohit Raj's passion and dedication towards work and said that Rohit has worked very hard for this film. He knew the script of the entire film, every single dialogue, so whenever I didn't have paper, I would look at Rohit and he would speak the whole line.
 In the trailer of this film, Daisy Shah is seen trying to uncover a mystery and tells the police that another murder is going to happen soon. Then some court scenes come and Daisy Shah is surprised to see some glimpses on the internet. Arjun Rampal is seen making tattoos in a different look.
 IT engineer turned actor Rohit Raj plays a lawyer in this crime thriller. His character is about how he tries to solve a murder that happened twenty years ago.  He impresses with his looks and facial expressions. Rohit Raj, who has learned the art of acting from Barry John Acting School, considers himself very lucky that he got an opportunity to work with established actors like Arjun Rampal, Daisy Shah in his debut film and got to learn a lot from them.
 Directed by Kalairasi Sathappan, the film is jointly produced by Kashish Khan, Anushree Shah, Gajinath Jayakumar. The film 'Mystery of the Tattoo' is going to release in theaters on September 1, 2023. The story and screenplay of the film is written by Kalairasi Sathappan while the dialogues are written by Nadeemuddin and Rajan Agarwal. 
Pickle Entertainment is distributing the film and Zee Music Company has released the music of the film.

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