Debutant Singer Priyanshu Singh Thakur's Sufiyana Music Video "Teri Bandai" was grandly launched at Orra Fine Jewelery Showroom, Mumbai. Music composer Ritu Johri, lyricist Richa Johri, producer Anita Singh and video director Sumeet Ranjan were present on the occasion. Many celebrity guests were also present here, in which the name of comedian VIP, actor Arun Bakshi is notable. Singer Arun Bakshi and VIP were felicitated by cutting a scintillating cake at the launch event of this beautiful song presented by Ritu Prabha Production.
All the guest singer Arun Bakshi and VIP who came here praised Priyanshu Singh Thakur's voice and wished him many best wishes for his first song.
The music video was also shown here which was appreciated by all. Priyanshu Singh Thakur is seen in the music video.
Beautifully composed by Ritu Johri and beautifully penned by Richa Johri. Sumeet Ranjan has made a wonderful video of this. Priyanshu Singh Thakur has that tone in his voice that he impresses. He also knows the art of acting.
Actor Arun Bakshi also appreciated the singing of Priyanshu Singh Thakur.
Priyanshu Singh Thakur told that I am speechless. Arun Bakshi and VIP also appreciated my voice and liked the song. It all feels like a dream come true for me. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Ritu Johri that she not only taught me classical music but also gave me a break in Bollywood through this music video.
Priyanshu Singh Thakur told that this song is very motivational, in which my look is also very different. It was a challenge for me to do this song because I had to act along with singing in it. But I am thankful to director Sumeet Ranjan that he got me to do this job brilliantly. I feel proud when I see myself on screen."
Priyanshu Singh Thakur further said that I thank all the guests Arun Bakshi and comedian VIP who came on the occasion of the launch of my first video song. It is a Sufi song with many colours."
Priyanshu Singh Thakur considers Ritu Johri as a guru and mentor.
Munde Media handled the responsibility of PR of this program very well.
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