Mumbai: Recently the grand event of 'Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2023' was successfully completed for the fourth time at the Mayor Hall located in Andheri West, a suburb of Mumbai Metropolitan Region. In this award ceremony presented by KCF, those celebrities were honored who have established their unique identity in the film world as well as have made invaluable contribution to social service. The award ceremony organized by Krishna Chauhan was attended by famous Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu, music composer Dilip Sen, singer Ritu Pathak, actor Ali Khan, comedian actor Sunil Pal, ACP Sanjay Patil, director BN Tiwari, Amitabh Bachchan's makeup man Deepak Sawant, Bright Outdoor  Media representatives, Actor Ramesh Goyal, Ajay Devgn's film Bhuj director Abhishek Dudhaiya, Haryanvi singer DC Madana, Raju Taank, Rapper Hiteshwar, Sundari Thakur, Sheerin Farid and Anchor Dr Bharti Chhabria. And all of them were honored with trophies.
 Apart from these, the award for Best Publicity Designer was given to R Rajpal at the ceremony. Singer Mangesh enhanced the program with his singing. Singer Raju Tank was also honored with this prestigious award. Siya Kale and Jyoti performed on the stage, after which both were also awarded the trophy.
 Those who showed a new path to the society by showing excellent performance of their art and personality got this honour.
 During the program, the organizer Krishna Chauhan celebrated his birthday by cutting the cake on the stage. Chief Guest Kumar Sanu wished him Happy Birthday.
 Krishna Chauhan is very excited about the stupendous success of season 4 of this award ceremony and expressed his gratitude to all the awardees and guests.
 Along with this, Anil Arora, television director Ranjan Kumar Singh, actor Sandeep Bose and actor Rajkumar Kanojia were also honored with the Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award. 
Social workers, businessmen, people associated with film industry as well as many journalists and photographers were also honored in this ceremony.

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