Virupaksha starring mega hero Sai Dharam Tej and Samyukta Menon is a Telugu film that has taken Box-office by storm and is ruling the audience’s hearts since the day the film has released. After becoming a blockbuster in the Telugu states, the makers have decided to release the film theatrically in Hindi on 5th May, 2023. The team of Virupaksha were seen promoting the movie at a press conference in Mumbai.
The mystery horror is directed by Karthik Varma Dandu and was released theatrically on 21st April, 2023. The film is based on a remote village, Rudravanam where a series of deaths occur due to paranormal activities, the final plot unravels the mystery behind these deaths turning the thriller into one of the most captivating and spine-chilling watch for the viewers.
The film was critically acclaimed and also received a humongous positive word of mouth from the first day of its release. Apart from the laudation the film has also taken over the box-office numbers and has already made a whopping business of 85 crore in it’s second week itself. After making a mark in the Telugu industry the film is now all set to win hearts of the masses, across the nation.
Directed by Karthik Dandu, screenplay by Sukumar and produced by Bvsn Prasad and Manish Shah, the film is releasing in cinemas in Hindi on 5th May 2023
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