Guardians of the Galaxy franchise through the years have been known for their misfit character and the amazing music  playlists that have been curated.
In a recent interview with an Indian publication, James expressed that he indeed has taken inspiration for music from Bollywood movies. 
The filmmaker replied a 1000 percent he’s inspired. He revealed that the musical element in Guardians of the Galaxy is inspired by Bollywood. The director said that he loves that Bollywood movies are all about art, and they are also all about entertainment. There are no rules about what a movie has to be, it could be a lot of different things and that’s true about the Guardians movies. According to him, they have Indian cinemas as a part of who they are, they have Japanese cinema and Korean cinema, and Chinese cinema as a part of who they are. . He revealed that the musical element is definitely inspired by Bollywood films.
Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the galaxy Volume 3 releases in India on 5th May, 2023 in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Only in cinemas.

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