Reliance Entertainment, Film Hangar, and Filmmaker Ribhu Dasgupta’s next film, a courtroom drama thriller, “Section 84”, in association with Jio Studios, stars the legendary thespian Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role. Joining the cast now is  the very talented, Diana Penty.
Diana expressed her excitement about working with Mr. Bachchan and collaborating with Ribhu Dasgupta. "Section 84 is very special to me. Not only because it is a riveting story, but also because it is a privilege to work with the legendary, Mr. Bachchan. A dream finally realised, to be honest! Ribhu Dasgupta has a very clear vision of what he wants and I am so happy to be collaborating with him on this film. I know this is going to be an experience I will remember, with much to learn from the very best!"
‘Section 84’ is presented by Reliance Entertainment in association with Jio Studios and produced by Reliance Entertainment and Film Hangar. The film is written and will be directed by Ribhu Dasgupta.

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