Amitabh Bachchan extended his best wishes to the producers Anuj Sharma, Kushagra Sharma, and Srishti Sharma and tweeted the trailer of the film ‘Kanjoos Makhichoos’, sharing his excitement.
'Kanjoos Makhichoos' The comedy-drama is written and directed by Vipul Mehta and stars Kunal Kemmu, Shweta Tripathi, Piyush Mishra, Alka Amin, Rajiv Gupta, and the late Raju Srivastav in prominent roles. It is an intriguing comedic drama about Jamnaprasad Pandey (Kunal Khemu), who is known throughout the town of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, as a miser.
According to producer Kushagra sharma of 'Kanjoos Makhichoos,' Bachchan sir tweeting the trailer of our film is a major morale booster and motivating for us, and we are grateful for this gesture, and we can't thank him enough for his support.
 ‘Kanjoos Makhichoos’ is a fresh concept and an assured rib tickling comedy film for the viewers. The film also carries an important message alongside its lighthearted humour. The skilled cast Kunal Kemmu, Shweta Tripathi, and Piyush Mishra have done a fantastic job in making it a family entertainer. I am confident that the audience will love viewing it.
Thundersky Entertainment (founded by Kushagra Sharma and Srishti Sharma, two young and creative minds) is producing the film in association with Soham Rockstar Entertainment.
'Kanjoos Makhichoos,' which will premiere on the OTT platform ZEE5 on March 24th.

Trailer Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUAouyG91io&t=15s

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