Ritika Singh starrer InCar is all set to release this Friday. The film is creating quiete a buzz for its intriguing and thought-provoking concept. Director Harsh Warrdhan is garnering all the praise for the dialogues in the trailer as well his creativity during the making of the film. Here are certain facts about InCar that will surprise you and excite you even more to watch the upcoming thriller.
Use of Multiple Anamorphic cameras :
Multiple Anamorphic cameras were used to shoot to InCar. Very rarely Anamorphic cameras are used to shoot a film and to give widescreen perspective for InCar and to maintain the continuation of the film in a moving car, the entire film is shot by multiple Anamorphic cameras.
The film was shot continuously for 32 days :
As the story of InCar unravels in one day, the continuity played an extremely important role in the making of the film, hence the makers decided to not take any breaks during the shooting of the film and completed it in just 32 days.
Ritika Singh didn’t wash her for 16 days:
The character played by Ritika Singh in InCar, Sakshi Gulati aka Ritika gets kidnapped in the middle of the day and to show the real depth and portray the emotions of her character, Ritika Singh didn’t wash her hair for 16 consecutive days to look real and raw, during the making of the film.
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