The trailer of ShemarooMe’s upcoming web series Yamraj Calling 2 was released by the streamers on 3rd of November. The show is a sequel of the blockbuster Gujarati web series Yamraj Calling. The over two-minute clip sees Deven Bhojani the previously workaholic and miser turning a new leaf he is now a fun-loving and happy-go-lucky man his motto in life is “live life king size.”
Speaking about the return of Yamraj Calling Deven Bhojani says, "We decided to come up with something more unique and relatable for our fans because the first season of Yamraj Calling received a really favourable response from the audiences and a huge demand for the second season. I'm really enthusiastic about the opening of the second season. He continued, the trailer is already out and I am receiving a lot of fan messages that they cannot wait to watch all the episodes. I hope we as a team can live up to the expectations of our viewers.”
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