Sony Entertainment Television's prestigious singing reality show, 'Indian Idol - Season 13' is one of the most entertaining show amongst audiences. While the contestants have been impressing one and all with their impressive voices, recently there was a gripping twist for all the viewers as the cast and crew go in the search of their beloved host, Aditya Narayan.
As they all look out for Aditya, Lyle, the crocodile from Lyle Lyle crocodile takes over and takes the judges - Himesh Reshammiya, Neha Kakkar and Vishal Dadlani in awe with his presence. Neha even mentioned laughingly that this is Aditya without makeup.
A source close to judges also added, “At first the judges were really worried about Aditya’s whereabouts. However, as Lyle took over and ensured a smooth show, everyone was really happy and promised to watch Lyle in Lyle Lyle Crocodile on the 4th of November.”
Be sure to catch Lyle the Corocdile tonight at 8:00 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television's Indian Idol Season 13.
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