Seasoned, marvelous actor Jackie Shroff stuns audiences once again with his astonishing stunt work. Amazingly, this time, there is one extra actor on board for his stunt: a child.

Sujit Sen, who penned the glorious films Saaranch and Arth, was sure to include bewildering, gasp-worthy scenes in his new, heartwarming human drama Life is Good starring Jackie Shroff as Rameshwar. One of the most awe-inspiring moments in the film was when the large leading actor sat atop his small, young co-stars bicycle! This spectacular stunt was incredible for viewers, but little do they know about the nerves heading into the filming of the sensational scene. Saniya Anklesaria was incredibly nervous before filming the scene, wondering how she would balance the kid sized bicycle with the tall and mighty Jackie Dada sitting upon it, and riding it while acting seemed out of the question! The task felt impossible to the thirteen year old. Despite his extraordinary acting experience, Jackie also felt worried - not for himself though. Selfless and kind, he did not want to cause harm to his co-star! He could see that she was riddled with anxiety going into filming the scene. But, he is no stranger to bewildering action sequences as seen in his first movie Hero, which he did with no fear. To soothe the nerves of the young girl Jackie, the director, Anant Mahadevan, and the producer, Anand Shukla teamed up to create a brilliant plan and show Saniya that there was nothing to worry about! The producer, incredibly, rode around with Jackie on the bicycle himself. Surely, if two grown men could do it, then Saniya could. With this example and the confidence of Shroff, she worked up the courage to finally perform the staggering stunt. Jackie balanced himself so beautifully on the child’s bicycle that the girl had absolutely no problem giving him a ride around a crowded market! In fact, it looked like they were having a tremendous amount of fun. That’s Jackie Shroff for you, courageous, kind, and talented

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