Mumbai : Producer-Director Purushottam Sharma's film ''Bharat Ke Agniveer'' was launched by Maharashtra state Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on 22nd August at Raj Bhawan, Mumbai. On this Occasion His Excellency released the poster of the film and announced the launch of film by sounding the clapper board. The film is on the backdrop of Agniveer scheme launched by the government and speaking about the subject of the film the producer -director Purushottam Sharma said, ''since the announcement of Agniveer scheme some vested interests are spreading wrong message about this scheme and misleading the youth who wants to join army and serve the country. This film will throw the light on this scheme and will also show how it's benefitial to the youth. This is not just film but it will serve as a guide to those who want to be the part of Agniveer scheme. In fact, it is a light showing the right path''.
In his address, His Excellancy said, ''this Agnivee schene is the need of the nation. With the right use of youth power thru this scheme India will become stronger and no country will dare to confront with India. The talks about compulsory army training to youth were on since long time and now with Agniveer scheme the country is stepping forward to train the youth to serve for the country. Now with this film the youth will know better about this scheme and i am wishing all the success to this film''.
This film will be made in Hindi and many regional languages of India and it's major shooting will take place in Uttarakhand. The producer has also announced that 40% of profit from the film will be donated to Army Welfare Fund. The cast of the film is under finalisation and as the story demands young faces so film will have many new artists. Mahant Ravindra Puri Creation's this venture will hit the screen on 23Jan. 2023.
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