Known for bringing alive the Hindi heartland on the big screen, Aanand L Rai is one filmmaker who’s changing the narrative of Indian films with each passing day. The director-producer's films have always managed to strike the right chord with the audiences all across. Sticking to his roots and yet making movies with progressive characters only proves how confident Rai is about the content he makes. Colour Yellow Productions and Aanand L Rai are known to have an effortless understanding of what the modern India resonates with.
Interestingly, what sets him apart from every other filmmaker is how he’s taking India towards a progressive future with a never seen before element attached to it. It’s impeccable the way Rai manages to make a mainstream hero talk about subjects that are important and yet not make them look caricaturish. Bringing to us intelligent India with his heartwarming stories, Aanand L Rai is a filmmaker we all need.
Today on his 49th birthday, we celebrate many of his masterpieces. Right from Tanu Weds Manu (2011), Raanjhanaa (2013), Tanu Weds Manu: Returns (2015), Nil Battey Sannata (2016), Happy Bhag Jayegi (2016), Shubh Mangal Saavdhan (2017), Newton (2017), Mukkabaaz (2018), Meri Nimmo (2018), Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi (2018) to Tumbbad (2018), Manmarziyaan (2018), Zero (2018) and Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan (2020) - Aanand L Rai and Colour Yellow Productions have always touched topics which many might not find comfortable to even talk about.
Keeping all his fans excited, the ace filmmaker is already gearing up for his two highly anticipated films. Growing with every film, Aanand L Rai sure has as an ambitious future and continues to win hearts with his real-time stories which also enjoy commercial acceptance.
Happy to receive so much love coming his way, Aanand L Rai said , "I would like to thank the audiences from the bottom of my heart for giving so much love, this journey wouldn't have been possible without them. I try to challenge myself with each and every film and bring something new to the table which the audiences can take back with them."
Here's wishing Aanand L Rai a great birthday.
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