A grand successful press conference was organised on 8th January 2020, at Andheri Recreation Club by Sonali Arora for announcement and launching of Beauty Peagent "Celerity India 2020 Miss/Mr/Mrs". Many celebrities like Sunny Agrawal, Belinda, Harshul Nagpure, Tejas, Salim Sheikh, Lada Lucky, Simran, Mukesh Agrohari & lots of Media person's.
Sonali Arora said' finale will held in Nagpur during April 2020, participants will get attire makeup Jewellers photoshoot from organizers even Jury will be declared in last moment, so that there will be no partiality. Mr winner will get king crown and miss mrs mrs classic will get luxurious qween crown.
Event is organised by Golden Event, and Sonali Arora is director.
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