Recently an impressive launch of the fourth edition poster at the Top 50 Indian Icon Award, mumbai's world famous institute bright outdoor, was made to take place on the occasion of bollywood's veteran celebrity, in which the actor Mustakh Khan, Pankaj Berry, Kavita, Sweety Walia, Zaid sheikh, International healer Pradeep Chandiramani, chief editor of complete cinema Atul Mohan and director of bright outdoor Yogesh Lakhani.
Dushyant Singh, Director of Top Fifty Indian Icon Award was present on the occasion of this launch, the director of the program Dushyant Singh said that the above award has been held in Mumbai continuously for the last 3 years in the same sequence. Award function is being organized on this occasion, he told that in the above award, Indians from abroad will come. Mantras are honored by those who have presented some exemplary examples for their unique work in their field as well as for society.
Actor Pankaj Berry said that he has been associated with this honor ceremony for many years and every year this ceremony. The same increases the grandeur, Mustaq Khan said that he gets very relaxed and familiar in this ceremony and he is very happy to meet such Indians. The actress feels energetic and according to Kavita, such ceremonies should be held because every person is honored when she is respectful of what she is doing and she feels immensely proud and the generations to come also get to know about them. Opportunity is available .Sweety Walia says very happily that on this stage she has come from every corner of the country and the world. It is a great pleasure to meet she is proud to be associated with this award as a member of the jury, according to actor Zaid Sheikh, the above award also serves as a collective platform for Hindus of all religions and they also celebrate this ceremony.
According to Atul Mohan, director of Complete Cinema, who has been associated with it since its inception, this award function is like living a dream for all of them.
On the occasion, Dr Yogesh Lakhani, director of Bright Outdoor said that the above award holds an emotional place for him and his company since the very beginning. We are connected and always wish for the progress of this ceremony, Dushyant Singh, Director of the ceremony told that in the above ceremony Like year two, many social and entertainment personalities from the country and abroad will make their presence felt. The same International healer Pradeep Chandiramani wished them a great luck on the occasion.
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