Kajol and Tanisha along with their mother Tanuja came to North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja 2019 to seek Maa's blessings. The actress was seen capturing Maa's idol in her phone. Debu Mukherjee, Samrat, Sharbani Mukherjee and Shivira and the entire Mukherjee family was present for the Anjali offering.
North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja is one of the oldest and biggest Durga Puja The AC pandal serves 5000 devotees each day with the special bhog being made and served to all the visitors by the Mukherjee family personally and the committee members.
There will be performances by variety of renowned Bollywood artist in the evening including cultural and traditional.
There will be stalls from all over the country exhibiting traditional sarees, outfits designer wear and authentic delicacies. Dhaki troupe specially comes from Kolkata to perform. Dhunuchi Dance & Sindur khela is the highlight.
 Maa's protima is 17.5 ft tall & 30 ft broad which makes is one of the tallest protima's in Mumbai.
The festival of Durga Puja is colored with devotional zeal, mythological legends, detailed rituals, extravagant pandals and magnificent tableaus of the divine Mother Goddess coming with her children Ganesh, Kartik, Lakshmi and Saraswati from Kailash to Dharti (her parent's  home). As the festival of Maa Durga is approaching, the members of North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti 2019 brings one of the oldest and the biggest Durga Puja in Mumbai to seek the blessings of Maa Durga.
The members of North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti 2019 unanimously believe “Our puja is well known as a "GHARUA PUJA" which means all are welcome to become a part of our puja family... we believe in serving Bhog to all who come to seek blessings of Maa Durga. Our members are actively involved in serving the Bhog.  These few days are days of bonding and celebrations amongst all of us, along with getting an opportunity to wear traditional attire .It is a Sarbojanin puja so all are welcome to be a part of this family. Durga Puja is one of the most important festivals of Bengali. Its an occasion where the family comes together and celebrates the festival. We have an AC pandal which is one of the largest pandal in Mumbai. We welcome each & everyone with open heart to seek the blessings of Maa.

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