Actor and singer Jassi Gill has finished his shoot schedule for Ashwini Iyer Tiwari's upcoming film Panga. The versatile actor gave a heartfelt message on the video.
The actor, who started shooting for the film almost a year back, stars in the lead opposite actress Kangana Ranaut. He has worked hard to fit for the role and learnt kabaddi from state level players.
On the last day of the sets, Jassi says, "Today is the last day when Ashwiny ma'am had to tolerate me. Thank you so much ma'am. Had a great time working with you and I am going to miss everyone.
While Ashwini Iyer, the director of Panga, pens down an emotional quote, ‘’Our sunshine wrapped #panga today. The rays of his beautiful energy on set and off set will continue for long. Thank-you for being the ‘Spreading Joy’ human on set.Jassie Gill you are a bright hope in reel and real sense. Thank-you for being a part of Panga and owning your character straight from the heart.
Now that they have wrapped up and hearing this heartful message we are excited to see Jassi in the lead.
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