Ace hair stylist of Bollywood Kakoli Meghani celebrated the birthdays of her two sons Kavish and Vrishab on 27th July at Country Club. As both her sons are sports enthusiasts so the venue was decorated with the cutouts of famous sports persons and it was attended by her friends and film personalities. South actress Trishna Pritam given best wishes to Kakoli and her sons.
Kakoli is the part of Bollywood past 20 years and she has done hair styling for Shilpa Shetty, Raveena Tandon, Tabbu and many others. About hair styling she says it's challenging job as one has to keep in mind the demand of a character and the hair style should not be mismatched with character. ''It may sound difficult to believe but as a hair stylist my job is to make hair acting as hair style too plays an important role to present the character perfectly''.
Kakoli and her husband played the role of hosts perfectly and looked after all the guests with care.
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