Amyra Dastur takes Tamil lessons for upcoming psychological thriller with Prabhudeva Amyra Dastur is definitely going places with the constant juggling between four films in Bollywood and Two down South, all of which will be releasing this year. With Rajkumar Rao and Kangana Ranaut's Mental Hai Kya releasing in July, Amyra also has a line up of three other films, including Made in China with Rajkumar Rao & Boman Irani, Prasthanam - Sanjay Dutt & Ali Fazal and T-Series’s ‘Koi Jaane Na’. Although there is so much on her plate, there is nothing stopping the actress from working harder and bettering her craft. To add more authenticity to her character and performance, Amyra has decided to take up Tamil lessons. Yes, Amyra is taking tuitions to learn Tamil in order to be able to dub for her upcoming films, and of course keeping her upcoming film with Prabhudeva, a psychological thriller which will see her take on a completely new avatar all together, as the top priority. Amyra has been doing a lot of prepping for her role in the Adhik Ravhichandran directorial, and has also mentioned how she had to do a lot of reading to get into the skin of the character and ensure it comes about right. After gaining immense critical praise for her Tamil debut, Anegan, opposite Dhanush in 2015, the starlet wants to impress the audience and critics again with her second Tamil film. Commenting on the same Amyra says, "Because of the character that I’m playing, I really want to be able to dub for this character as I feel it’ll enhance the performance that I worked so hard to achieve. One has to be extra careful while filming for a thriller and the correct emotions need to be heard and believed by the audience watching that film. What also adds to the benefit of learning Tamil is that I’ll be able to use it during my promotions there and actually understand what is being said to me rather than constantly asking the people around me to translate. Actors do a lot to enhance their performances and this is just a small step towards improvement and progress.
Amyra Dastur learning Tamil to work with Prabhudeva
Amyra Dastur takes Tamil lessons for upcoming psychological thriller with Prabhudeva Amyra Dastur is definitely going places with the constant juggling between four films in Bollywood and Two down South, all of which will be releasing this year. With Rajkumar Rao and Kangana Ranaut's Mental Hai Kya releasing in July, Amyra also has a line up of three other films, including Made in China with Rajkumar Rao & Boman Irani, Prasthanam - Sanjay Dutt & Ali Fazal and T-Series’s ‘Koi Jaane Na’. Although there is so much on her plate, there is nothing stopping the actress from working harder and bettering her craft. To add more authenticity to her character and performance, Amyra has decided to take up Tamil lessons. Yes, Amyra is taking tuitions to learn Tamil in order to be able to dub for her upcoming films, and of course keeping her upcoming film with Prabhudeva, a psychological thriller which will see her take on a completely new avatar all together, as the top priority. Amyra has been doing a lot of prepping for her role in the Adhik Ravhichandran directorial, and has also mentioned how she had to do a lot of reading to get into the skin of the character and ensure it comes about right. After gaining immense critical praise for her Tamil debut, Anegan, opposite Dhanush in 2015, the starlet wants to impress the audience and critics again with her second Tamil film. Commenting on the same Amyra says, "Because of the character that I’m playing, I really want to be able to dub for this character as I feel it’ll enhance the performance that I worked so hard to achieve. One has to be extra careful while filming for a thriller and the correct emotions need to be heard and believed by the audience watching that film. What also adds to the benefit of learning Tamil is that I’ll be able to use it during my promotions there and actually understand what is being said to me rather than constantly asking the people around me to translate. Actors do a lot to enhance their performances and this is just a small step towards improvement and progress.
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