Preeti Jhangiani who is well known for her roles in ‘Mohabbatein’ and ‘Awara Pagal Deewana’ is all set to make her comeback to Bollywood with Sneh Tuli’s directorial debut “Dekho Ye Hai Mumbai Real Life”. The movie “Dekho Ye Hai Mumbai Real Life” is a feature film which has a comic satire on the small and tall of Bollywood. The movie is written and directed by Sneh Tuli who excels in various fields like painting, writing and poetry and now she is making her directorial debut with this film. The movie is produced under the banner of Sneh Arun Music (SAM).
When asked Preeti about working with Sneh Tuli she said, “Working with Sneh Tuli was a good experience, while shooting there was a scene which was not getting okayed even after many takes, so Sneh herself came forward and enacted my role for me and made me understand the scene in a much better way and in the next take I could give her what she was looking for. Sneh and the entire team was a joy to work with and I look forward to the audiences’ reaction to the film.”
When asked Sneh Tuli about her experience with working with Preeti Jhangiani she said, “Preeti is a very professional when it comes to her work and I really like that quality about her. She is a director’s actor and very welcoming towards ideas and she surely deserves appreciation for her work in Bollywood until now.”
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