HRH Film Productions is a Hyderabad based company which is aiming to use the power of cinema to entertain and make a positive change. Their first feature film is going to be Friends in Law starring Shreedevi Chowdary and Ashlin Harris. Shreedevi will be making her on screen debut with this film.
Celebrity photographer turned filmmaker Amit Khanna directs the English/Telugu language crossover film. Amit Khanna and Shreedevi Chowdary have co-produced the film with businesswoman Swati Sanghi, who hails from the famous Sanghi industrialist family. Anuya Chauhan Kudecha and Ritesh Kudecha are associate producers on the movie.
Friends in Law, a thought-provoking story about an orthodox Indian mother going on a journey of self-realisation after spending 10 days with her gay son’s partner is a first of its kind Indian film about the acceptance of homosexuality. Producers of the film are hoping to open an important debate on gay rights in India with an engaging story told predominantly in English.
The movie will travel to other high profile film festivals around the world before getting a global release. Producers are confident that the audiences will be entertained and will think about the film long after it has ended. Director and co-producer Amit Khanna hopes the team can use the power of cinema to make a positive difference.
Unlike other Indian films where gay people are portrayed as victims or outcasts, Friends In Law presents the gay male protagonist in a positive way. British actor Ashlin Harris plays the gay son's partner.
Celebrity photographer turned filmmaker Amit Khanna directs the English/Telugu language crossover film. Amit Khanna and Shreedevi Chowdary have co-produced the film with businesswoman Swati Sanghi, who hails from the famous Sanghi industrialist family. Anuya Chauhan Kudecha and Ritesh Kudecha are associate producers on the movie.
Friends in Law, a thought-provoking story about an orthodox Indian mother going on a journey of self-realisation after spending 10 days with her gay son’s partner is a first of its kind Indian film about the acceptance of homosexuality. Producers of the film are hoping to open an important debate on gay rights in India with an engaging story told predominantly in English.
The movie will travel to other high profile film festivals around the world before getting a global release. Producers are confident that the audiences will be entertained and will think about the film long after it has ended. Director and co-producer Amit Khanna hopes the team can use the power of cinema to make a positive difference.
Unlike other Indian films where gay people are portrayed as victims or outcasts, Friends In Law presents the gay male protagonist in a positive way. British actor Ashlin Harris plays the gay son's partner.
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