Pooja Chopra who is all set to make an impact with her role in Aiyaary had to lose body fats for her role as an officer. The actress who will be seen playing an army captain has always been fit with a sleek n slender body, but since army officers are extremely fit and chiselled the actress was required to lose some more fat percent from her body to look the part in the film.
The actress went through intermediate fasting diet plan followed by a customised designed gym routine. Many Hollywood celebrities like Miranda Kerr, Liv Tyler, Christy Turlington, Ben Affleck, Beyonce and Hugh Jackman have been known to swear by this regimen.
Recently we even got to see a glimpse of her fitness levels while she was performing drills designed for the BSF soldiers with complete ease .
It will be interesting to see the actress in a very strong character in the film.
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