Esha Gupta, who loves football as a sport and follows it closely, is currently working on to form her own women football team as she wants to create and promote awareness about girls playing the sport.
A source informs, “Esha is in talks with the football team association and also looking for women football players who don’t get an opportunity to showcase their talent. As there are rules created that prohibit girls from playing contact sports due to safety and “touching” concerns, Esha feel these rules are unfair. The actress feels everybody should get an opportunity to do what they like.”
Esha says, “I feel if you love something enough, fight for it and achieve it. There are so many girls in villages and small city who have a hidden talent but are not confident enough to play so this initiative of forming a team will help these girls.”
Esha feels she will be able to create awareness & opportunity for girls to play by forming a women football team.
( Entertainment news post by Santosh Sahu )
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