Kartik Aaryan continues to slay the digital world amidst lockdown with his hit chat show Koki Poochega. The heartthrob of the nation who has ruled the cinema and box-office is currently reigning the virtual world ever since he has turned a chat show host for his unique web series Koki Poochega.
Today the actor will launch a new episode of Koki Poochega, where he will interview Kerala’s superhero - Nooh Bava, IAS District Collector. Nooh Bava is being referred as ‘Man With A Gift Of Instant Decision Making’ by media folks, as the man’s instant thinking to stop the contagious virus when only three cases were reported in his district was beyond commendable. Nooh Bava’s instant action plan and helping the first three cases in his district, stopped a major spread of the pandemic and Aaryan will salute the real-hero in his new episode. The actor has announced the heroic-guest on his show on social media by saying, ‘Nooh Bava – The IAS Officer jin se Corona bhi darta hai. Episode 5. May 12. #KokiPoochega’ Netizens soon couldn’t contain their excitement as the actor’s chat show has become the talk of the town in the virtual world. His unique and fun-filled show is one of the most watched on video-sharing platform. Koki Poochega not only enlightens one in these difficult times in various aspects of life – whether it’s the dos’ and donts’ or immunity hacks or even bursting myths about the novel Coronavirus, it also makes one smile and laugh as the actor adds dollops of humour. Aaryan surely understands that people nationwide are leading stressful times and imparting knowledge through humour is the right and the perfect way. Now we can’t wait to watch this episode on his channel.
Kartik Aaryan continues his great work with Koki Poochega and he has even contributed Rs 1 crore to the PM CARES Relief Funds to help the nation fight the fatal virus. Now this actor is doing his all to help citizens nationwide and is truly being hailed as a hero in real life for his stupendous and golden acts.

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