"Top 50 Indian Icon Awards" one of the most prestigious award is going to held on 14th February 2020. And it will honour some renold names who have contributed some way or other in their respective field and to the society.
Dushyant Singh very thankful to the jury members for their contribution, Mr. Vibhav Tomar, Dr. Ritu Singh, Ms. Simmer Bhatia,Mr. Rajendra Jain, Mr. Atul Mohan, Mr. Vivek Jain, Mrs. Sweety Walia, Mr. Manish Awasthi, Dr. Khushboo Qadri, Kumar Ganesh, Mahamandleshwar Maartand Puri, Mr. Santosh Bhartiya.
 The award is directed by Director Mr. Dushyant Pratap Singh.

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